Chaloner Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Attendance


95% = 10 full days absent from school. 2 full weeks.

PA (Persistent Absence) = 19 + days absent from school. 4 full weeks!

This is a lot of school days and learning missed. 

Chaloner Primary School is proudly recognised as an Inclusive Attendance school. In order for children to get the maximum benefit out of their time at school, they need to attend school regularly. Regular attendance means that children don’t miss important parts of the curriculum whilst also enhancing personal development. We are very proud of our record for attendance with the majority of children missing little or no time at all. 

Please click on this link to read our attendance policy. 

Multi-Tiered System of Support
To guarantee a comprehensive approach to attendance, we implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support. A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for school attendance involves three tiers of intervention, with roles for teachers, the school, children, parents, and external agencies – including the Local Authority.  Data-driven decision-making and training requirements are pivotal to the implementation of the system.  The system aligns with the Department for Education's (DFE) "Working Together to Improve School Attendance" guidelines.

Please look at our attendance policy for further information about each tier. 

Tier 1 Universal Strategies-  Universal Approach: Establishing a baseline universal attendance approach that benefits all children.
Tier 2 Individualised Strategies- Individualised Strategies and Early Help Support: Tailoring strategies to individual needs and providing early help support for persistent attendance challenges.
Tier 3- Higher Needs Strategies- Higher Needs Strategies Support: Furnishing specialised support for children, young people, and families with complex attendance requirements, including access to external agency support when necessary.
The Importance of School Attendance
  • Academic Achievement: Regular attendance directly correlates with academic success. Children who attend school consistently are more likely to keep up with the curriculum, perform better in exams, and improve their life outcomes.

  • Knowledge Acquisition: School is where children acquire knowledge and skills that are crucial for their personal and professional growth. Missing days means missing out on valuable learning opportunities.

  • Social Development: School provides a vital social environment for children and adolescents to interact with peers, develop friendships, and learn essential social skills. Consistent attendance ensures children remain connected to their peer group.

  • Building Routine: School attendance establishes a structured routine in children’s lives, teaching them time management and responsibility, which are valuable life skills.

  • Teacher Interaction: Regular attendance allows for meaningful teacher-child interactions. Teachers can provide personalised support, address questions, and assess individual progress more effectively when children attend regularly.

  • Preventing Knowledge Gaps: Frequent absences can lead to significant knowledge gaps, making it challenging for children to catch up with missed lessons, potentially resulting in long-term academic struggles.

  •  School Engagement: Children who attend school regularly are more likely to engage in extracurricular activities, sports, and other enriching experiences that contribute to their overall development.

  • Legal and Parental Responsibility: Parents or guardians are legally responsible for ensuring their child's regular school attendance. Failing to do so can lead to legal consequences.

  • Community Well-being: High levels of school attendance contribute to the overall well-being of communities.

School Times of the Day at Chaloner Primary School

The school day begins at 8.45am and ends at 3.10pm (KS1 & EY) or 3.15pm (KS2). 

Registration opens at 8.50am and closes at 9.20am.

Children are expected to arrive on time and attend all scheduled lessons and activities.  Children arriving after 8.45 have to be signed into the main office by a responsible adult.


 Being on Time

Punctuality is also very important. Children who arrive late may find it awkward walking into class late and they may miss the beginning of a lesson which may hinder their understanding of the topic being taught. Children are expected to arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of the school day so that they are ready to enter school on time.

If parents are running a little behind schedule the school office should be notified by 8.50am. Children arriving to school late are to be signed in by a parent at the school office, children who arrive by themselves will be signed in by the office and parents will be contacted.

Absence from School

If your child is unwell and is not going to attend school, it is essential that we know as soon as possible.  Either drop a note into school or contact the office by telephone or email as soon as possible but before 9:00am.  It is a legal requirement that you let us know that your child is going to be off, giving a reason for the absence and how long you expect them to be away from school.

If no contact is made with the school office before 9:00am, it is our policy to call you to establish why your child is absent. This is to ensure that your child is safe and not coming to any harm. If we have not heard from you by lunchtime we will conduct a home visit to make sure your child is safe and well. 

Medical/Dental Appointments

Wherever possible, please try to make appointments out of school hours or during holidays so not to disrupt learning. If this is not possible, please advise the school as soon as possible of the appointment. The school will ask for a copy of the appointment letter to copy and hold on file, or if you receive a text for an appointment please show a member of the office staff. Emergency appointments that are made on the same day will require parents to ask at the appointment for a signed slip to bring in to school.

Leave of Absence (Holiday) Requests

All leave of absence requests must be in writing at least a month before the leave of absence.  Click here for the application form. Please read our school policy for further information regarding leave of absence requests and recent changes to Holiday request legislation.  

Exceptional Circumstances

If you feel the leave of absence is an exceptional circumstance e.g. a funeral or close family wedding, please make this clear on the form because with good attendance already, this may be authorised.