Chaloner Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Online Safety
  3. Digital Imagery and Mobile Phones

Digital Imagery and Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones

To minimise the risk of mobile phones to be used inappropriately to gain images of children the following guidelines will be applied. (also see computing and online safety policy)

  • Staff will only use mobile phones in office areas, the staff room or areas away from the children while school is in session;
  • Visitors will be advised to switch off their mobile phone in school and, wherever possible, will be accompanied by a member of staff for the duration of the visit;
  • Children who bring a mobile phone on to the school premises hand their phone in at the school office at the beginning of the school day and collect it at the end of the school day.
Digital Imagery

At Chaloner Primary School we welcome publicity. Children’s photographs add colour, life and interest to articles promoting school activities and initiatives.  Making use of photographs for publicity materials and to promote the school in the press can increase pupil motivation and staff/parent morale, and help the local community identify and celebrate the school’s achievements.

However, photographs must be used in a responsible way and we want to respect children’s and parents’ rights of privacy and be aware of potential child protection issues. We will do this by following the guidelines and securing parental consent for the use of photographs.

Chaloner Primary School will not display images of pupils or staff on websites, in publications or in a public place without consent. The definition of a public place includes areas where visitors to the school have access.




The staff and governors of Chaloner School will: 

  • Ensure that images are stored securely and used only by those authorised to do so;
  • ensure that electronic images are stored on a secure network to which members of the public have no access;
  • not use an image of any child who is subject to a court order;
  • secure parental consent for the use of children’s photographs;
  • not use photographs of children or staff who have left the school without their consent.
  • provide names of children to accompany photographs published in newspapers and magazines only where the parent or guardian have provided their consent.


Photographs at School Events

It is usual for parents to take photographs and videos of children at school events such as the annual Nativity Play and Sports Day. We always remind parents that these are for their personal use and are not to be shared on social media if the images include other children. 

If parents notice that their child's image has been shared without their permission they must contact the Headteacher to help get the issue resolved. 

If parents have any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography, they should report them to the Headteacher who would report them in the same manner as any other child protection concern.