Chaloner Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Coronavirus
  3. Children Returning to School

Children Returning to School


   Dear Families,

   I hope you are keeping safe and well.

   As you know, the Government announced on Sunday the possibility of partially reopening schools in England in June for some year groups (schools in Scotland and Wales remain closed) We have received more information through the week about what this will look like and what safety measures will be used before we can reopen the school for more children. Using this guidance I have formed a phased plan for a gradual increase in the number of children attending school. The health and safety of your children and our staff is paramount and considered in the plan. You know I would love the children to all return to school but only when it is safe to do so.

   The decision for your child to return to school is a big one and it is yours to make as you know your child and your personal situation best. There is still great uncertainty surrounding what we know about covid-19 and you will not be penalised for deciding that you would like to keep your child at home with you.  We will continue to support learning at home for all children including the children coming into school.

   The Government says we must encourage children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to return and so we will be phoning all parents of children in those classes on Monday to ask you if you intend to send your child into school or not. 

   This is a difficult decision and so I would like to give you a picture of what school life will be like. As a parent myself, I would want to know what to base my decision on and it will not be like school life as you know it.

Based on Government guidance to keep children and staff safe:

  • One adult will drop off and collect their child at staggered times. Adults will not be allowed on site to ensure social distancing. 
  • The children must try to socially distance from each other and teachers when in school.
  • The classroom environments will be changed to allow for social distancing and easy everyday cleaning.
  • The children will be placed in small groups (maximum 10) and they will be with the same group of children every day they are in school.
  • The children will not be allowed to mix with children in other groups in school.
  • The children will be taught by the same teacher but because of the small groups it may not be the teacher they used to have.
  • The children will not be allowed to share equipment and toys. They will be encouraged to work and play on their own. (obviously this is going to be difficult for our younger children)
  • In reducing the class sizes and still having the capacity to support learning for children at home, we will have to rota the children coming in, they will be in school at least once every three days.
  • lots of furniture and resources will be put into storage. Practical equipment will be very limited due to the potential infection spread. 

    We fully understand the worry for you, your children will be worried too. Our wonderful staff will make every preparation to make the experience as positive as possible. Whether you decide to keep your child at home or return them to school, we will support your decision, we understand.

   Please answer the phone on Monday, it will be either Mr Daley, Mr Dale or myself phoning you and you can ask any questions you need to also. 

   Thank you

   Mary Parker